Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Enough Is Enough!

By Eric Girten


Recently, Planned Parenthood has been in the news because multiple videos have surfaced featuring staffers discussing the sale of baby body parts.  That, to me, was shocking enough; but to watch Planned Parenthood staffers laugh about how to ship baby heads was even more appalling. 

I have never been in favor of abortion.  We can argue situational ethics until the cows come home; but for me, I stick with the principal viewpoint that babies shouldn’t be aborted.  So, to be confronted with the wholesale industry of profit from this barbaric practice raised my hackles.

Related to these videos came an article about members of the “satanic church” who protested in front of a Planned Parenthood clinic (in support of abortion) by handcuffing women and pouring milk over their bodies.  In this article it stated that abortion is the highest sacrament of the church of Satan.  With that, it started to tie in for me. 

We know several things.  God is the Creator of life.  Satan is contrary to God and therefore wishes to destroy life.  A movement of so-called individual liberty (i.e. a woman’s right to choose) enables evil to destroy millions of lives before they even have a chance to thrive.

Of course, we Catholics are called to hate and repulse the sin while simultaneously loving the sinner.  So please don’t email The Message or me to call me a hater and/or list situations of persons who were caught in awful circumstances, etc.  As a social worker for two decades, I am well aware of, and my heart is deeply moved for, individuals who find themselves in situations that seem to offer only one answer.

My point, instead, is that – especially in the desperate time of a young woman who finds herself pregnant – we Catholics should gather around her (and/or him, if we know the father) and provide the support necessary for that mother- and/or father-to-be to realize that having the baby is an acceptable option, and that God and their community love them.

This society has made it too easy for us to say that it’s “a choice” and/or “who are we to judge?”  If we live our faith as we should, we will reach out beyond judgment to enlighten and care for them in their time of need.

As we debate this issue within the church of Christ Jesus, we should take a moment to remember that those in the “church of satan” are not debating it but, rather, are fully supporting abortion.

I have spent much of my adult life reflecting on spiritual combat, and the particular example given above seems to me to offer a perfect picture of how we as Christians must take a stand and finally say that enough is enough.

My dearest brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ … enough is enough.  The question that remains, however, is: What is the next step?